Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Ply and Other Words from the Fold
Ply and Other Words from the Fold Ply and Other Words from the Fold Ply and Other Words from the Fold By Mark Nichol Looking into the origin of ply as a result of thinking about the expressions â€Å"plying [someone] with drinks†or â€Å"plying [someone] for information,†I found etymological connections to an interesting variety of terms. Here are some words related to ply based on its Latin ancestor. Ply derives from the term plicare, meaning â€Å"to fold.†Generally, words ending in -ply that have a long-i sound are related to ply and each other; those with a long-e sound (such as deeply) merely have a root word ending with p, followed by the adverbial ending -ly. The exceptions to the first class are comply and supply; in each case, the second syllable stems from plere, the Latin word meaning â€Å"to fill†(though the sense of â€Å"agree†for the former is influenced by ply). The senses of ply in the first sentence, and others, are from a shortening of apply and derive from the related meaning of â€Å"bend†; when you ply someone with drinks or for information, you are bending (that is, manipulating) that person. Another meaning of ply is â€Å"travel regularly,†related to the sense in the phrase â€Å"ply a course.†One can also ply one’s trade, meaning â€Å"conduct business†or suggesting diligent practice or performance. The name for the ballet movement called the plie, from French, is related. Ply is also a noun meaning â€Å"a layer†or â€Å"a fold†; plywood (and its daffy derivate, plyboo, referring to plywood made from bamboo) stems from this word, and it is the source of references to strands of yarn or layers of fabric or paper. When you multiply, you create many folds; multiply originally meant simply â€Å"increase†and only later acquired its mathematical sense of increasing an amount by an equal amount a given number of times. Similarly, to duplicate or triplicate and so on is to create two or more folds or iterations. A plier, meanwhile, is someone who or something that bends or folds, hence pliers for the name of a hand tool. Something that is easily plied is pliable or pliant; the former generally refers to an object, while the latter adjectival form is usually applied to a person who is submissive or easily influenced. (The synonym compliant is based on the unrelated comply.) Reply, meaning â€Å"to give an answer,†originally carried over into English the literal Latin meaning of â€Å"fold back,†but that sense is obsolete. Meanwhile, apply basically means â€Å"to bring something in contact with another†(and an application is something that accomplishes this task) and to imply is to involve or enfold, while to implicate someone is to involve or enfold them, and an implication is something that does just that. Employ, interestingly, comes from the same root word as imply, but it acquired a primary meaning related to hiring. Implicit, referring to something implied, is also related to imply. Something made explicit, by contrast, is unfolded, or revealed, and to explicate is to unfold, or explain, something, an action called an explication. To complicate is to make something intricate as if it has been folded; a complication ensues. Complicit and its noun form complicity are related, as is accomplice, denoting someone who has been enfolded in a crime or a scheme. Complex, meanwhile, is also related, stemming from the Latin word for â€Å"braid†or â€Å"weave,†as is the rare antonym simplex and their noun forms complexity and simplicity. Plait and its variant pleat, each of which serves both as a noun and a verb, share an origin with ply through French, as does plight, which originally had a neutral connotation of â€Å"condition†but later developed a sense of being in danger. (An unrelated meaning of plight, which stems from pledge, was â€Å"promise†; the negative sense of plight that means â€Å"a dangerous situation†may derive from confusion with the other meaning of plight, in that a pledge or promise often entails risk.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Words with More Than One SpellingSelect vs. SelectedQuiet or Quite?
Friday, November 22, 2019
Gobbledygook - Definition and Examples
Gobbledygook s Gobbledygook is inflated, jargon-cluttered prose that fails to communicate clearly. Contrast with clarity and plain English. Also spelled gobbledegook. Stephen R. Covey describes gobbledygook as language that is so pompous, long-winded, and abstract that it is unintelligible (Style Guide for Business and Technical Communication, 2012). The term gobbledygook was coined in 1944 by Texas lawyer Maury Maverick, who expressed disdain for the gobbledygook language of his colleagues. The word was inspired by the turkey, always gobbledy gobbling and strutting with ludicrous pomposity. Examples and Observations: Gobbledygook or bureaucratese is another kind of doublespeak. Such doublespeak is simply a matter of overwhelming the audience with technical, unfamiliar words. When asked why U.S. forces lacked intelligence information on Grenada before they invaded the island in 1983, Admiral Wesley L. McDonald told reporters that We were not micromanaging Grenada intelligence-wise until about that time frame.(William Lutz, The World of Doublespeak. Doublespeak: From Revenue Enhancement to Terminal Living. Harper Row, 1989)Where the combined value of the above payments before actual assimilation remains greater than the combined value of the payments after assimilation, the former level of pay will be protected. These protection arrangements apply to the combined value of payments before and after assimilation, not to individual pay components, excepting the provision relating to retention of existing on-call arrangements.(Agenda for Change, Central Manchester and Manchester Children’s Univ ersity Hospitals NHS Trust, 2005) To the ordinary guy, all this is a bunch of gobbledygook. But out of the gobbledygook comes a very clear thing: you cant trust the government; you cant believe what they say, and you cant rely on their judgment.(H.R. Haldeman, recording made in the Oval Office, June 14, 1971)Gobbledygook in Sentence StructureIn sentence structure, gobbledygook is usually due to lack of time and care, as perhaps with the personal pension plan which defined foreign emoluments as earnings of a person resident but not domiciled in the United Kingdom from duties performed wholly or partly in the United Kingdom for a non-resident employer. It’s as clear as dirty dishwater, and perhaps more time should have been spent drafting it. Clear, concise writing cannot be done in a hurry, as the French writer Pascal realized when he once wrote to a friend, I have made this letter longer than usual, only because I have not had time to make it shorter.(Jean Aitchison, The Language Web: The Power and Problem of Words. Cambridge University Press, 1997) Adverse Effects of GobbledygookAs doublespeak, gobbledygook may either substitute for a speakers lack of knowledge or insight about a subject, or it may once again serve to confuse. . . .In 1972, Ford Motor Company sent a letter to those who purchased the defective 1972 Mercury Montego: With respect to possible mechanical deficiencies, the rear axle bearings of the cars can deteriorate. Continued driving with a failed bearing could result in disengagement of the axle shaft and adversely affect vehicle control.(Ken Kirk, Writing for Readability. ASTD, July 2010)Doctor Who MomentsOften when listening to football managers and coaches explain the game I find myself thinking of those moments in Dr Who when, with catastrophe approaching, Matt Smith suddenly announces, Theres a good chance that if we can reverse the polarity on this lithium crystal then the magnetic vortex will suck the Daleks into a different time-space continuum and the planet will be saved. Has anybody got a hatpin?Their midfield was playing off us, the Time Lords of the dugout tell us as relegation hurtles towards our homes like a Zygon battle trireme carrying an explosive payload the size of Ronaldos wallet. We need to get more offensive in the off-loading zone. Frankly, we all know it is a pile of gobbledygook, but if it has the sheen of plausibility it is more fun to believe in it than not.(Harry Pearson, Will Andy Carroll Prove the Difference That Destroys the Planet? The Guardian, Nov. 12, 2010) The Lighter Side of GobbledygookOh, meltdown. Its one of those annoying buzzwords. We prefer to call it an unrequested fission surplus.(Charles Montgomery Burns in Homer Defined, The Simpsons) Pronunciation: GOB-ul-dee-GOOK Editing Exercises: Exercise in Eliminating Deadwood From Our WritingExercise in Eliminating Wordiness in Business WritingPractice in Cutting the Clutter
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Analgesic Effects of Acupuncture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Analgesic Effects of Acupuncture - Assignment Example The paragraph shows an aspect of the medical field that has been rarely studied and is never properly understood. However, as mentioned in the paragraph, Acupuncture has started the to evolve from its roots in Asia to other developed parts of the world. The paragraph is well- written and is focused on the main topic at hand. It does not dwell on other irrelevant facts and figures. The feature of the paragraph that is to be greatly appreciated is the citation of two articles which shows the effects of acupuncture on both animal and humans alike. The studies cited in the paragraph have been explained in the detailed description. The main problem that the researcher noticed in the paragraph is the lack of justification to the main topic. The two articles that are mentioned in the paragraph although selected very well are little less to justify the analgesic effects. The author can add a few more of the relevant articles to prove his point. Furthermore, the author can select such article s which are backed by numbers and figures but the two articles that are already mentioned do not mention the amount or extent of decrease in analgesic pain. Another problem that the researcher found is that the paragraph has a number of problems which include grammatical errors and punctuation errors. These errors should be reviewed before submission. The author can also change some words and find more suitable alternatives for certain words. For e.g. in L3 of the paragraph the word â€Å"part†can be replaced with â€Å"component†or any other suitable word. The third problem that the researcher thinks may cause difficulties among the audience is the use of certain terminologies that are quite difficult to decipher for the general public. The author should add explanations for certain terminologies like Yanglinquan, Yinlinquan, Zhusanli, Dubi, Kunlun, Xuanzhong, Sanyinjiao and Taixi. The fourth problem is that the two articles that are mentioned in the paragraph are n ot well written or descriptive, the methodology should be more well-defined and the results should be based on a certain number and figure rather than the subject’s word of mouth. The mechanism of pain reduction should be elaborately explained as well.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Criminal Justice (in general) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Criminal Justice (in general) - Essay Example Criminal jutice i alway a goal. All involved in the arret, proecution, defene or judgment of a upect aim to be fair. However, thi goal i not alway met, accounting for the flexibility in the application of law, the change to law that are unfair, and the judiciary power of interpretation. (Banner, 99-111) A a field of tudy, mot who will work with part of the law that involve behavior defined a criminal, will tudy criminal jutice. Training and certification for police officer often i merely called criminal jutice. Lawyer with a pecial interet in either the proecution or defene of upected criminal may alo chooe to major in criminal jutice in a four-year degree program. Knowledge of the law, right and privilege of victim and upect i eential to aiming for jutice in both the court and law enforcement ytem. Thoe who have interet in training with the FBI or CIA may alo chooe to obtain a four-year degree in criminal jutice. uch a degree not only tudie the law a it tand, but a well evaluate the law. ubject in univeritie that offer a major in criminal jutice may be varied. They may include topic like forenic pychology, hitory of criminal jutice, ethic, and ociology. Police officer train pecifically on what power they have in relationhip to a upect, and what power they do not have. They learn how to legally adminiter criminal jutice in their capacity a law enforcement. They further train in the meaure of force, uch a hooting a gun or employing pepper pray that may be lawfully ued, and mut be ued with capability. A certain kill et in the apprehenion of an ecaping criminal i required. Mot hoping to work in law enforcement firt tudy criminal jutice and then attend pecial academie to receive further training. (Delfino and Mary, 88-334) Depite training, criminal jutice i not alway jut. There are great cop and terrible one, judge who are too trict, and thoe who are too lenient. There are alo very killed and exceptional lawyer, and very poorly organized lawyer. Many argue, in particular, that law in the U eem to be particularly unjut to minority population, ince they frequently have little money to pend on top lawyer. There are numerou example to cite of the mifiring of criminal jutice. There i alway room for improvement in thi field. Very many people continue to work toward the goal of true criminal jutice while continuing to exemplify fairne in thi field and it application. Eay Two The crie of innocent victim who are convicted and thrown into the dark cavernou prion cell are not being heeded. They cannot afford the type of lawyer needed that will fight to prove their innocence. The American jutice ytem i convoluted and broken, making it almot impoible to prove innocence in the face of circumtantial evidence. The character of the accued i put on trial to convict a peron rather than direct evidence. Direct evidence i often lacking; o, in it tead proecutor ue theorie and uppoition to help convict the accued. Jurie are convicting innocent repeatedly becaue they lack fundamental knowledge of the legal ytem and of the definition of key legal term and procee, and often hold antiquated belief ytem concerning confeion, eye witne identification and witne tetimonie. Aumption are made rather than fact being actually aimilated, correlated, and proved; thu, the innocent are convicted, incarcerated,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Costs and Benefits of Inflation Essay Example for Free
Costs and Benefits of Inflation Essay High inflation has many costs: Inflation erodes the value of money. When future prices are less predictable, sensible spending and saving plans are harder to make. People increasingly fear that their future purchasing power will decline and erode their standard of living. Inflation encourages investments that are speculative and take advantage of inflation rather than productive investment. It can also create the illusion of temporary financial success while masking fundamental economic problems. Businesses and households must spend more time, and money, protecting themselves from the effects of rising costs and prices. Businesses, workers, and investors respond to signs of inflation by pushing up prices, wages, and interest rates to protect themselves. This can lead to a â€Å"vicious circle†of rising inflation. Inflation can mean particular hardship for those whose incomes don’t keep pace with the rising level of prices, especially people on fixed incomes such as senior citizens who are receiving pensions. Low inflation has many benefits: Consumers and businesses are better able to make long-range plans because they know that their money is not losing its purchasing power year after year. Interest rates, both in nominal and real terms, are lower, encouraging investment to improve productivity and allowing businesses to prosper without raising prices. Sustained low inflation is self reinforcing. Businesses and individuals do not react so quickly to short-term price pressures by seeking to raise prices and wages if they are confident that inflation is under long-term control. This contributes to keeping inflation low.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Momadays The Way To Rainy Mountain: Summary :: essays research papers
Momaday's The Way to Rainy Mountain: Summary      N. Scott Momaday divides his book The Way to Rainy Mountain in an interesting manner. The book is divided into three chapters, each of which contains a dozen or so numbered sections, each of which is divided into three parts. The first part of each numbered section tends to be a legend or a story of the Kiowa culture. However, this characteristic changes a bit as the book evolves, as does the style and feel of the stories.      The first passage in the first numbered section describes the Kiowa creation myth. It tells that they came into the world through a hollow log. The next ones tell of a dog saving the life of a man, the story of how Tai-me became part of their culture, and other stories. These, especially in the first beginning of the first part, are stories which relate timeless tales. The events described took place long ago, though nobody knows how long. In addition, the endings of the tales would probably be described as having a good outcome. The people were created and they found friends in the physical and spiritual world. The first part of the book describes the beginning of the Kiowa culture and their development.      Towards the end of the first part, the tone of the stories changes. Instead of describing different stories each time, they begin to tell a story which continues through six numbered sections. The story relates the life of a baby who grows into the sun's wife who then has a  ·child who becomes two children, who become honored people in the eyes of the Kiowa. These stories do not explain things like the creation of the people, or the reason dogs and men are friends, or the origin of Tai-me. They tell what happened to some people.      The last part of the book, the last third, is mostly narrative. Instead of telling myths to explain things, Momaday tells stories which relate events without any significant outcome. Also, in contrast to the first part of the book, the outcomes seem to be bad ones, or at least not fulfilling. They describe, for a large part, people whom he knows existed and were related to or were friends of his family. One story tells about Mammedaty, who heard someone whistling to him, but could not find the person. Another tells about how Mammedaty was having trouble with a horse, so he shot an arrow at it, but missed and killed another horse. These endings do not leave the reader or listener with a good feeling
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Technical writing style
Technical Writing Style As you draft and edit, it is helpful to keep in mind the effective ways to present sentences and paragraphs. When you revise your drafts, check the language and remove any area of possible confusion. If you have repeated any word, see whether you can change the sentence. The following passages will help you to be aware of any difficult construction of sentences, so that you can modify the same and ensure reader's comfort. Write Clear Sentences Follow these guidelines for writing sentences which will be clear to the readers. Keep the main idea on top. Use active voice.Employ parallelism. Repeat for emphasis. Write sentences of 15 to 25 words. Provide transitions. Avoid wordiness. Avoid redundancy. Keep the Main Idea on Top This is the key principle in writing so that your sentences are easy to understand. Place the sentence's main idea, the subject, first. The subject makes the rest of the sentence accessible. Readers therefore orient themselves and they are ab le to interact with the subsequent discussion. See this example from a popular newspaper. â€Å"Doubts persist over World Cup 2007. †(Note how the interest of the reader is immediately captured. Now the details follow. )†Clouds are gathering over the West Indies, and they are more than rain-bearing masses of cumulous. With eight months and a few days to go for the 2007 World Cup, doubts are increasingly being aired about the ability of the region to host a venture of such and complexity. †Thus readers are informed about the crux of the problem so that they are interested to read on. Use Normal Word Order The normal word order in English is subject-verb-object. This order makes it easier to read as it reveals the topic first and the structures the idea.This order produces entences which are clear to the readers and do not cause any contusion. Read the following sentence. â€Å"Finance Minister on Tuesday backed the Central Bank's decision to increase interest ra tes, stating that the move was aimed at containing inflation. †The sentence is clear, though a little long (23 words) and follows natural flow. Use Active Voice Active voice emphasizes performer of the function and not the receiver. Active voice helps the reader follow the meaning quickly as it is sticking to subject-verb-object pattern. When the subject acts, the verb is in the active voice.When the subject is acted upon, the verb is in the passive voice. Use passive voice sparingly and when it is absolutely required. Examples: I completed the work in time (active voice as the subject acts here. ) My mobile was stolen (passive voice as the subject is acted upon. ) Go through the following example. Manufacturers add preservatives to food products to increase their shelf-life (emphasis is on manufacturers, which is not correct. ) Preservatives are added to food products to increase their shelf-life (emphasis is on preservatives, which is correct. In uch cases, passive voice sh ould be used. Use Parallelism Use similar structures for similar elements. The vendors promise that they will replace the old machine and to attend to the new order (wrong). The vendors promise that they will replace the old machine and will attend to the new order. (correct) Repeat for Emphasis Repeat key words for emphasis so that the reader has better recall. Read the following example. The doctrine of â€Å"No work, no pay†is a fundamental axioms in industrial relations. The philosophy is very simple. When a person is employed, he is expected to carry out the ork assigned to him.When he does not do so, he is not eligible for payment of any salary. Even when a general strike disrupts public transport systems, and consequently employees are unable to reach their work places, the same principle prevails. Of course corporate may permit their staff to avail themselves of any leave to their credit. Even die-hard trade union leaders respect this principle. â€Å"No work, no pa y†lays a strong foundation to industrial peace and harmony in the long run. Provide Transitions Connect sentences by using words that signal a sequence or pattern. Sequence: first, second, next.Addition: and, further. Contrast: but, however, nevertheless. Avoid Wordiness Generally, concise expressions are more effective than verbosity. Eliminate all repetitions, subordinate clauses etc. to make the writing compact and pointed. Examples of Wordiness Came to the conclusion Utilization of Make Revisions Make an amendment to Examples of compactness Concluded Use Revise Amend Avoid Redundancy Redundancies are words that say the same content. Conciseness is achieved by saying anything only once. In the following examples, what is bracketed may be mitted for conciseness.During (the year) of 2006 (Needless to say) (New) innovation The (other) alternative is Choose a Tone Now you can prepare clear, effective documents. Your documents are easy to read. However, we are assuming that the writer and reader are equal and unemotional. In practice, it may not be so. Hence it is important to control ‘tone'. The ‘tone' can communicate as much as the content of the message. Consider some possible ‘tones' depending on the situation. forceful passive personal impersonal The forceful tone implies that the writer is in command.This is appropriate when the writer addresses subordinates. While writing forcefully, Use the active voice. Use imperatives. Clearly indicate that you are responsible. For example: I have decided to introduce Performance Appraisal System forthwith in our organization. When the reader has more power than the writer, use passive voice. For example: The instructions to implement the new Evaluation System has been complied with The personal tone implies that reader and writer are equal. David thanks for your suggestion about maintenance routine. It has given good results.The impersonal tone is employed when the writer is not important and the situation is neutral. For example: A proposal to introduce quality circle has been made. Use Positive Words and Verbs A sure way to involve your audience is to sprinkle positive words and positive verbs throughout your text. Positive words and verbs convince the reader the benefits of your subject matter. Positive Words Advantage asset effective profitable satisfied value favorable success Benefit Positive Verbs Positive verbs motivate your readers. Some ot the verbs that motivate your readers nto action are here.Accomplish plan achieve produce implement Prepare promote exceed organize assess Tune to the Audience Tuning to the audience is the key for effectiveness of your document with the reader. Remember the following points. Not all your readers will understand acronyms and abbreviations. Readers need glossaries. Provide extended definitions for technical terms. As multiple audiences have different levels of technical knowledge, choose carefully the amount of technical conten t in your document. Show your reader how he or she will benefit from your document
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Equal Human Rights for Women Essay
This paper explores human rights issues as it relates to women; the right to work; the right to an adequate standard of living, the right to be treated equally, the right to autonomy, and the violations of basic human rights. I will reflect on how the issue of equality for women is addressed nationally and globally. In discussing human rights related to women’s issues of social injustice by industrial and global exploitation, I explore ways in which social workers commit to equality and what current attitudes may need to be refined. I discuss how global exploitation continues to oppress and stigmatize females. This paper also examines barriers to change and how empowering women can raise their understanding of human rights and the process of change. In July of 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, based on the Declaration of Independence statement on equal rights for all, The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions demanded the equality of men and women in several issues including the right to vote (Stanton & Anthony, 1997). This proposed resolution stated, â€Å"The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her†(Stanton, 1889). Thus, in the United States, the plight began for equal rights for women in a male dominated world. Considering the period of time human beings have inhabited this planet, the concept of equality of the human sexes is a rather new prospect. Men are generally physically stronger than women and have exploited this for centuries influencing societies, religions and traditions. They have created for themselves arenas which are beneficial and convenient for them however abusive and oppressive for women. In many countries, including our own, religion and tradition are often used as justification for not implementing equal rights. According to UNICEF, working women globally not only earn significantly less than men, they own far less property and still maintain the majority (80%) of household work (UNICEF, 2007). Biases in property law and inheritances also make women (and children by virtue of being born to women) more vulnerable to poverty. Historically, and in some countries currently, violence against women was/is generally acceptable and at times, considered necessary (i.e. honor killings). So how do we advocate for change from centuries of oppression and discrimination towards women? Ending discrimination in all forms and advocating for social justice is the concrete foundation and commitment of the Social Worker. The National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics states â€Å"Social Workers should act to expand choice and opportunity for all people, with special regard for vulnerable, disadvantaged, oppressed, and exploited people and groups (NASW, 2000, 6.04b). Social work practices, policies, and services must continue to address the disadvantages women and girls face. Advocacy for equal education, health care, employment, protection from violence, and rise from poverty for women is essential. According to NASW ethical principles, Social Workers respect the inherent dignity and worth of a person and are consistently proactive in helping people in need and advocating for social justice. In 1945 in its preamble, the United Nations and the peoples therein declared their commitment to â€Å"fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small†(United Nations, n.d.), solidifying their commitment toward equal rights for women. Social Workers and the nations representing the world have sworn their allegiance to ensuring impartiality between the sexes. But how far have we come in successfully accomplishing this goal? Jessica Valenti, a writer for the Washington Post states in her article For women in America, equality is still an illusion (2010), â€Å"despite the indisputable gains over the years, women are still being raped, trafficked, violated and discriminated against  not just in the rest of the world, but here in the United States. And though feminists continue to fight gender injustices, most people seem to think that outside of a few lingering battles, the work of the women’s movement is done.†This especially rings true to me. There are still so many serious injustices against women here in the United States (i.e. violence, trafficking, unequal pay, unequal governmental representation, etc.) but the general public rejects this fact, therefore, we are only beginning to tackle this problem. Many programs which support, empower, and assist women toward self-determination (NASW, 1.02) have been created however progress is slow and many more are needed. How is the rest of the world fairing toward the goal of equal rights for women? Read more: Why Should Women Have Rights? There is a saying in Ghana, â€Å"If you educate a man, you simply educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate a nation†(Women’s rights worldwide, 2007). But, unfortunately, being a woman in a developing country could mean a life of poverty, abuse, exploitation, and deprivation. In some countries, girl babies are killed because boy babies are considered more valuable. Woman worldwide own 1% of the property however work two-thirds of the world’s labor and earn 10% of the world’s wages. Honor killings (those women determined to dishonor a family) still occur in at least 17 countries identified by the United Nations. In 1980, the United Nations supported the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, sometimes referred to as the international bill of rights for women, where nations committed to end discrimination against women. People around the world express support for these world conferences and gender equality however people in many countries say inequalities persist. A 22-nation survey by Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project in the spring of 2010 suggests the world supports gender equality however many more changes are needed and change is less than vigorous. The following study chart describes the percentage of countries views on who has a better life and who supports equal rights (Pew Research Center, 2010). In my research of global rights for women established by macro entities toward practice and policy change, the Worldwide Women’s Integrated Society for Everyone and Everything best defines a global bill of rights for women which I admire and support. They call this The Thirteen Rights – A Global Bill of Rights for Women. It includes the following: 1) The right to vote in all elections 2) Equal representation in the government 3) The right to assemble and access to communication 4) Females will be educated equally to males 5) Freedom of movement 6) Freedom of marriage or non-marriage 7) The right to carry weapons for protection 8) The right to own property 9) Equal rights, pay, and access to work 10) The right to choice of personal appearance 11) The right to birth control 12) The right to safely terminate a pregnancy 13) The sanctity of female genitals. The International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) recognizing social workers’ commitment to human rights and equal treatment for all human beings, issued an international policy on women in 1999. Policy Statement 5.1 best sums up the views of international social workers by stating, â€Å"Women’s rights are human rights. To the extent that women and girls do not enjoy equal rights, their common human needs, and those of their families, will not be fully met and their human potential will not be fully realized. Therefore, the social work profession’s core commitment to human rights must involve a commitment to protecting and preserving the basic rights of all women and girls. Women of all ages and at all stages of the life cycle deserve protection from discrimination in all forms, including the elimination of all forms of gender-specific discrimination and violence†(IFSW, 1999). I am in complete agreement with the NASW and IFSW’s policies on equal rights for women. We must continue to research the effectiveness of national and international programs and reorganize, if necessary, to ensure delivery of rights to women everywhere. As social workers, it is imperative to advocate for all human rights, especially those oppressed, as women have been for centuries. We can do this through support, education, opportunities, and empowerment. I would like to see the United Nations imply sanctions to those entities that profess commitment to equal rights yet in reality do not â€Å"practice what they preach†. In this paper I have reviewed the journey toward equal rights for women on a personal, national and internationally level. Historically we’ve lived in a male-dominant world and the concept of equal rights for women has been generally foreign to global communities. Social workers are instrumental in expressing to each other and to the world the importance of dignity and worth of every person and the significance of a just and honorable society. In creating policies to define the rights of women, we must follow-through with punishing injustice practices in our own society and the global community. We still have a long way to go! References International Federation of Social Workers. (2012, February). Policies – women. Retrieved from http://ifsw.org/policies/women/ National Association of Social Workers. (2000) Code of ethics of the national association of social workers. Washington, DC. National Association of Social Workers. (2012). Social work speaks: National Association of Social Workers policy statements 2012-2014. 9th edition. Washington, DC: NASW Press. Pew Research Center. (2010). Gender equality universally embraced, but inequalities acknowledged. Pew Global Attitudes Project. Retrieved from http://www.pewglobal.org/2010/07/01/gender-equality/ Sowers, K. M., & Rowe, W. S. (2007). Social work practice and social justice: From local to global perspectives. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Stanton, E. C. (1889). A history of woman suffrage. (Vol. 1, pp. 70-72). Rochester, NY: Fowler and Wells. Stanton, E. C., & Anthony, S. B. (1997). The Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony papers project. In A. Gordon (Ed.), Declaration of sentiments and resolutions (Vol. 1). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Retrieved from http://ecssba.rutgers.edu/pubs/volume1.html UNICEF. (2007). Women and children – the double dividend of gender equality. (p. 36). The state of the world’s children, (2007), Retrieved from http://www.unicef.org/sowc07/docs/sowc07.pdf References Valenti, J. (2010, February). For women in america, equality is still an illusion. Washington Post. Retrieved from http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/19/AR2010021902049.html Women’s rights worldwide. (2007). Working against the oppression of women around the world. Retrieved from http://womensrightsworldwide.org/ Worldwide Women’s Integrated Society for Everyone and Everything. (n.d.). thirteen rights – a global bill of rights for women. Retrieved from http://globalwomensrights.org/index.php
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Africa And Its Problems
Africa and the Future Africa is a continent in turmoil. It is home to the poorest people and nations as well as some of the most despotic governments in human history. Dr. Wireman brought up some interesting points in his lecture. He described the future problems that this generation will have to face. The arguments that most relate to Africa include AIDS, the feminization of poverty, the U.N., nuclear proliferation, and the rise of China. The solutions to these crises facing Africa are intertwined. The feminization of poverty, for instance, is a reason for the rapid spread of AIDS throughout the continent. The U.N. is one organization that needs to address this issue. African countries are so poor that they are a breeding ground for terrorism; however, China has been increasing its investments in Africa at an ever escalating rate which will assist in alleviating some of the misery being heaped upon the region. Many other issues are prevalent in Africa, including its health care, child mortality rate, and its violence. With the help from the U.N. and China, Africa will be able to pull itself out of its headlong journey to the depths of chaos and finally join the globalization process in addition to becoming a major player in global economics and politics. AIDS AIDS is the single most important issue on the planet. The spread of the disease has been especially rampant in Africa. With around twenty- six million Africans infected out of the world total of thirty- seven million infected with HIV/AIDS, the consequences are staggering . The disease has depleted the workforce by untold millions and will continue to do so well into the next century. Unfortunately, more women are infected because of the culture and traditions of Africans. Men are supposed to be promiscuous, whereas the women are only to have one mate. Also, it is easier for women to contract the disease than men. The usage of condoms is frowned upon ... Free Essays on Africa And Its Problems Free Essays on Africa And Its Problems Africa and the Future Africa is a continent in turmoil. It is home to the poorest people and nations as well as some of the most despotic governments in human history. Dr. Wireman brought up some interesting points in his lecture. He described the future problems that this generation will have to face. The arguments that most relate to Africa include AIDS, the feminization of poverty, the U.N., nuclear proliferation, and the rise of China. The solutions to these crises facing Africa are intertwined. The feminization of poverty, for instance, is a reason for the rapid spread of AIDS throughout the continent. The U.N. is one organization that needs to address this issue. African countries are so poor that they are a breeding ground for terrorism; however, China has been increasing its investments in Africa at an ever escalating rate which will assist in alleviating some of the misery being heaped upon the region. Many other issues are prevalent in Africa, including its health care, child mortality rate, and its violence. With the help from the U.N. and China, Africa will be able to pull itself out of its headlong journey to the depths of chaos and finally join the globalization process in addition to becoming a major player in global economics and politics. AIDS AIDS is the single most important issue on the planet. The spread of the disease has been especially rampant in Africa. With around twenty- six million Africans infected out of the world total of thirty- seven million infected with HIV/AIDS, the consequences are staggering . The disease has depleted the workforce by untold millions and will continue to do so well into the next century. Unfortunately, more women are infected because of the culture and traditions of Africans. Men are supposed to be promiscuous, whereas the women are only to have one mate. Also, it is easier for women to contract the disease than men. The usage of condoms is frowned upon ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Definition and Examples of Conceptual Blending
Definition and Examples of Conceptual Blending Conceptual blending refers to a set of cognitive operations for combining (or blending) words, images, and ideas in a network of mental spaces to create meaning. The theory of conceptual blending was brought to prominence by Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Turner in The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending and the Minds Hidden Complexities (Basic Books, 2002). Fauconnier and Turner define conceptual blending as a deep cognitive activity that makes new meanings out of old. Examples and Observations Conceptual Blending Theory assumes that meaning construction involves the selective integration or blending of conceptual elements and employs the theoretical construct of conceptual integration networks to account for this process. For example, the process of understanding the sentence In the end, VHS delivered a knock-out punch to Betamax would involve a basic network consisting of four mental spaces . . .. This includes two input spaces (one relating to boxing and another to the competition between rival video formats in the 1970s and 1980s). A generic space represents what is common to the two input spaces. Elements from the input spaces are mapped to each other and projected selectively into the blended space, to derive an integrated conceptualization where the video formats are seen as being engaged in a boxing match, which VHS eventually wins.Blending Theory can be seen as a development of Mental Space Theory, and it is also influenced by Conceptual Metaphor Theory. However, u nlike the latter, Blending Theory focuses specifically on the dynamic construction of meaning.(M. Lynne Murphy and Anu Koskela, Key Terms in Semantics. Continuum, 2010) To monitor public opinion, and to sway it, Time Warner had, in November, launched a campaign called Roll Over or Get Tough, which asked customers to visit a Web site of the same name and vote on whether Time Warner should give in to their demand for massive price increases or keep holding the line. Eight hundred thousand people had done so. (Ninety-five percent of them thought that Time Warner should Get Tough.)Mark Turner, a professor of cognitive science at Case Western Reserve, explained that Time Warner’s use of the forced-choice device was wise from the standpoint of behavioral economics. In order to make choices, people need their options narrowed in advance.Turner saw other cognitive precepts at work in the Roll Over campaign. He explained, The purpose of the ad is to try to get you off your duff and realize, Hey, the situation around me is changing, and I better take action. And the campaign’s militaristic echoes, You’re either with us or against us, inco rporated, Turner said, a technique called blending, in which a rhetorician exploits what is already in people’s minds. Everybody’s got terrorism on the brain, so if you can have a little hint of that issue in your advertising about cable service: great!, he said.(Lauren Collins, King Kong vs. Godzilla. The New Yorker, January 11, 2010) [B]lending theory can address the meaning of construction in metaphorical expressions that do not employ conventionalized mapping schemes. For example, the italicized portion of this excerpt from an interview with philosopher Daniel Dennet involves a metaphorical blend, Theres not a thing thats magical about the computer. One of the most brilliant things about a computer is that theres nothing up its sleeve, (Edge 94, November 19, 2001). The input domains here are Computers and Magicians, and the blend involves a hybrid model in which the computer is a magician. However, the connection between these two domains arises purely from the context of this example, as there is no conventional COMPUTERS ARE MAGICIANS mapping in English.(Seana Coulson, Conceptual Blending in Thought, Rhetoric, and Ideology. Cognitive Linguistics: Current Applications And Future Perspectives, ed. by Gitte Kristiansen, Michel Achard, Renà © Dirven, and Francisco J. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibà ±ez. Mouton de Gruyter, 2006) Blending Theory and Conceptual Metaphor Theory Similarly to conceptual metaphor theory, blending theory elucidates structural and regular principles of human cognition as well as pragmatic phenomena. However, there are also some noteworthy differences between the two theories. While blending theory has always been more oriented toward real-life examples, conceptual metaphor theory had to come of age before it was put to the test with data-driven approaches. A further difference between the two theories is that blending theory focuses more on the decoding of creative examples, whereas conceptual metaphor theory is well known for its interest in conventional examples and mappings, i.e. in what is stored in peoples minds. But again, the difference is one of degree and not an absolute one. Blending processes can be routinized and stored if their outcome proves to be useful on more than one occasion. And conceptual metaphor theory is able to explain and accommodate novel figurative linguistic expressions as long as they are compatible with the more general metaphorical makeup of the human mind. Another, perhaps somewhat less important difference lies in the fact that while from the start conceptual blending has pointed to the importance of metonymic construals and thinking for cognitive processes, the conceptual metaphor paradigm has long underestimated the role of metonymy.(Sandra Handl and Hans-Jà ¶rg Schmid, Introduction. Windows to the Mind: Metaphor, Metonymy, and Conceptual Blending. Mouton de Gruyter, 2011)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Report Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Report Writing - Essay Example Due to this factor, the demand of oil and natural gas has constantly increased over the years. In the early 1980s, the demand for these commodities was driven by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD countries that had been used to cheap supplies. Enough supplies together with low production costs and low tax had slowly raised the demand without much concern of the production costs. The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries raised the production rent that led to the need of curbing demand. The conservation and substation, together with recession led to the drop in demand by 8 million barrels per day. Introduction of other sources of fuel such as nuclear energy, higher taxes and other incentives contributed to the low demand. The oil and natural gas prices have recently increased due to the high demand that has cropped up as a result of growth in major world economies. However, the increase in prices had a direct effect on the consumer bahaviour even before the recession. Conservation and fuel substitution efforts in the OECD are expected to take longer in implementation and hence may suffer the law of diminishing returns if the oil and gas prices remain low. In 1980s the demand dropped by million barrels per day, however, it is projected that the demand was to decrease by 2.3 million barrels per day in 2009. In the 1970s, there was no shortage of oil in the market, meaning that the supply surpassed the demand. The price increments were driven by the changes in the producers attitudes to the share of the rent and the supply base. The prices were made high enough to maintain the development costs. The current consumption of oil is about 85 million barrels per day. The excess production capacity has reached about 8 million barrels per day, which is 8% of the total demand. The increase in demand made the supply more fragile, and this is true
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