Thursday, October 24, 2019
Kirby the Elf Kid Story
Once upon a time there was an elf named Kirby. He was one of Santas elfs. But, he was there only to help with the reindeer, when what he really wanted to do was to work on a toy line. It wasn’t like he didn’t love the reindeer, he just really wanted to make children smile and happy. All of the other elfs that worked with the reindeers laughed at him because if u were to work on the toy live you had to work with Santa for a very long time, that certain job was meant for elfs that he absolutly trusted.Sadly, Kirby had just started working with Santa and he has never even talked to Santa, which was part of the problem. One day Santa had gotten a phone call and he had a distraught look on his face. He hung up the phone and said â€Å"Oh no, Tanner, Joey, and Jocy had gotten into a snowboarding accident, that was the hospital. They wont be back to work for 2 weeks and christmas in 5 days! †Now see these elfs weren’t just any elves, they the fastest , strongest , and Santa’s favorite elves. And, even though Santa would say he didn’t like to pick favorites everyone knew he did.The other evles would have to wear red and green, where as Joey, Tanner, and Jocy had gold and white outfits. Santa really needed Jocy, Joey and Tanner because about two hundred children that had been on the naughty list had good and deserved to get toys instead of just coal. So the other elves had to work very hard to make more toys but it wasn’t enough. Santa went to the stables and said â€Å"Hello Kirby, Andy, Nik, Kira, Devon, and Chelsey I am in some trouble and need to pull you guys from reindeer duty to help make some toys. †Chelsey said â€Å"But Santa, we have never made toys before what if we let you down? Santa said â€Å"Oh you guys could never let me down, all that matters is that you try as best as you can. †Kirby was so excited. It was his time to shine. Thankfully when you start the job the head elves teach other elves how to work all of the machines just in case this sort of thing happens. So all the elves knew how to work the machinary but they never really knew how toys were supposed to work because they’re nevere around them. They basically had to wing it. The other elves didn’t really like the idea of having Kirby and his friends working in the toy line, especially one elf named Ryan.Ryan was a really bitter mean elf. He only got along with Jocy, Joey, and Tanner, and he didn’t like the fact that they were being replaced. In his mind he thought â€Å"I have to do something to get rid of these other elves†¦they don’t belong here! †He devised a plan in his head of a way to get rid of Kirby and his little friends. While Kirby and his friends were waiting to start there first doy on the toy line Ryan had locked them in the lunch room. â€Å"This will keep them out of my toyline. †He said with a snicker. But, Ryan had forgotten that there was a an exit to outside of the toy factory.When Kirby and his friends had noticed that the door was locked they had to hurry and run around to the other side of the building and went through the back doors. Kirby was determined not to let Santa down. He really wants to prove himself to him to show that he doesn’t belong in the stables with the reindeer. They finally made it to the toy line and they were on time. Ryan looked at them with irritation as Kirby and his friends had walked over to their stations. The bells rang and the machines started running. Kirby was so excited all he could do was smile.Kirby was at the station where they wrapped all the gifts and delivered the presents to Santa’s sleigh. Andy had they toy station full of cars, Nik had the station with the coloring books and books, Kira had the station with the board games,Devon was at the station with the stuffed animals and Chelsey was at the station where they had to make the toys that were trains and an y other toys that had batteries. Ryan was in the same station with Kirby and was going way to fast trying to get kirby to screw up or make a mistake.But Kirby kept and eventually go the hang of it. Ryan was getting even more frustraited with the fact that he couldn’t get rid of Kirby, he didn’t even want to admit the fact that Kirby actually belonged there. Ryan kept plotting and plotting till finally he got an opening to sabotage. Kirby was carrying a lot of presents and didn’t know which way it was to Santa’s sleigh. Ryan ran to him and said â€Å"OH OH I know where to go let me show you†as he had an evil smirk on his face he lead Kirby into a room that was used for the christmas parties.He said keep walking forward and started walking backwards and slammed the door shut and locked him in there and laughed. Kirby said â€Å"why are you doing this? What about the children? †Ryan said â€Å"Because you don’t belong here, I don†™t like change! Now you will never work in the toyline EVER!! †Ryan left and Kirby started to panic and worry. Kirby still had an hour to get the toys to Santa in time to make the delivery. Lucky for him his friends had noticed he had been gone for 30 minutes and Ryan had returned and Kirby wasn’t with him. So they all split up and went searching for him.Finally, Nik was yelling Kirby’s name and Kirby started banging on the door â€Å"Nik, I’m in here, get me out please! †Kirby said. Nik let him out and Kirby said â€Å"which way is Santa’s sleigh? †Nik said â€Å"I know where it is follow me! †They both ran like mad men to Santa’s sleigh with only 5 minutes to spare. Santa said â€Å" oh thank you so much I could’ve never gotten this done without you, but what took you so long my elves? †Kirby pointed at Ryan as he ran up to see if he had succeeded or failed, â€Å"Santa he locked me in a dark room and wouldn’t let me out!Ryan tried to defend himself â€Å"Santa, its true I just don’t want him to replace Tanner, Joey, and Jocy. †Santa said â€Å"Oh Ryan. Kirby would never replace them I love all of my elves equally. As for you Kirby you did a fantastic job and should be rewarded, and Ryan should be punished, therefore you both will trade places, sorry Ryan you will now work in the stables with the reindeer. †Kirby was so happy! His dream finally came true. He now is working on the toy line woth three of the greatest elves that work there. He has never been so thankful.
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